Batik Classes


Beginner Batik Class, Day 1

Batik Beginner Class
5 weekday mornings or weekend in 4 sessions
Cost: $120, includes materials
Ages: 3rd Grade to Adult
Learn the “American” method of batik. You will create two or three batiks on cotton muslin fabric. Try a three color batik, another more complex variation, and an under-dye variation.

Intermediate Batik
5 days: 3 hours per day
Age: 14-Adult
Cost: $175.00, includes materials
Continue working with the American method of batik, but with more colors and direct dye application. Make more complicated pieces and enhance your skills. Try waxing with the tjanting tool and/or tjap.

Advanced Batik
2 weekends
Age: 16-Adult
Cost: $200.00, includes materials
Departure from the American method of batik, using more complex color combinations and direct dye application. You will wax, dye, and remove wax in several stages to build color.